I have wanted one of these rusty brown cow heads ever since Marian AKA Miss Mustard Seed shared hers in her kitchen.
Kim from Savvy Southern Style has this same cow head in her kitchen too! She has her displayed on her beautiful stove hood HERE.
I missed this on Decor Steals the first couple of times around and honestly thought it would not be available again.
And then one day there is was!
As you can see Marian totally inspired this look.
When she first added it to her kitchen she had it on her chalk board wall.
Now she has it on her beautiful stove hood.
After I painted my wall inspired by Miss Mustard seed I added those frames and I was hoping that rusty brown cow head would soon come back as a deal on Decor Steals.
I love this brown cow head! It looks like metal but it is a very heavy pottery type of material.
This is hung up with a very durable anchor.
My husband thought it was strange but he is now getting used to it.
I think it looks charming and a bit French too!
My kitchen has come a long way in a little over a year.I thought I would share a few photos of how it looks today.
I may have to share a post with some before photos of my kitchen.It really has transformed and looks nothing like it did a year ago.
I am always changing and tweaking it but it still has that farmhouse look that I love.
Very soon I will be changing things …..just slightly again as I decorate for fall.
Have you thought about decorating for fall yet?
I am very minimal and use as much from nature as I can.
If you look closely at my antique baking rack you will see I changed things slightly already.
I turned the cups facing up and I added a few of my vintage rose cups.
This is so charming and completely functional!
We can grab dishes or mugs off of this rack as needed.
Yes I know I do have quite a dish collection!
My roses still look amazing.It is hard to see but I added a vintage table cloth to my table top.
This mat also from Decor Steals really pulled this area together! So much nicer than a rug.You can easily slide your chairs on this and it looks amazing too!
I am going to be busy canning tomorrow.I have never done this before but I have always wanted to try it.
We eat allot of tomatoes and I am sick of the taste of canned tomatoes and the price of them too!
I visited our farmers market today and bought a bushel of tomatoes.
Next year I may try to grow my own.
I have had people ask me if I actually cook in my kitchen because I have white cabinets some think it would get dirty.
Well I cook in this kitchen every day.And these cabinets have held up beautifully!
It was allot of work but I would do it all over again!
One more slight change I did was add silver platters to the top of my cabinets with my ironstone collection.
A fresh batch of dried hydrangeas was added to my vintage wash tub.When the photographers were here they thought mine were too brown.
I had to take them out and well …. it was a mess I ended up throwing them out.
The added green color does look fresh!
I wanted to thank Kim from Savvy Southern Style for featuring my kitchen HERE.
Thank you so much Kim!
🙂 Very nice.
Luv all the tweaks.
Curious to see what you will do for Fall. Not sure what I will be doing as yet. I do know I am NOT feeling the orange and rust this year though.
Hugs, Gee
I like your cow head! I remember when my sister got hers. It has become so popular now. I think Decor Steals has it for the lowest price that I’ve seen. It was good that you were able to snag one.
Your kitchen in just beautiful. Love the look of it.
I love love love your kitchen and each time you tweak it. So pretty in there. Love your new cow head. He looks great with the frame around him/her. Beautiful.
Looks beautiful. Have you given the cow a name yet? You know who will be envious of the cow. We wanted to attempt canning but never got around to it. We grew tomatoes last season and had a lot of success with them.
Anne your kitchen looks fabulous! Love the chalkboard wall and love Mr. Cow!
Anne, I really love the chalk paint wall in your kitchen. I’d love to try it somewhere in my house. How many coats did it take? Also, didn’t you paint your cabinets with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint? How have they held up? Did you finish them with the wax or did you use something more durable. Sorry for the many questions!!!
Love the brown cow! I’ve been looking for a white one. Your bamboo script mat looks perfect under your table and chairs!! Love it. 🙂
When I bought this I was thinking……Hmmm wonder if I should paint it white….seriously.Can you believe I have not touched it with a paint brush yet.But who knows this brown cow could become a white cow soon 🙂
Wow you have everything decorated so beautifully!!
Your kitchen is beautiful and the little cow is just icing on the cake! Love your white cabinets and your chalkboard wall… great job!
It looks just wonderful, Anne. I forgot how sweet the whole kitchen is. Did you know there is a florist spray that you can use (it’s a “dry” spray) to put the color back in your hydrangeas. You can also buy them in all colors from the green to the roses to the blues and violets. I LOVE that rug. I need to find a new rug so I am going to check that site out. Hope you have a wonderful week- xo Diana
I love the brown cow. Your whole kitchen looks so dang good.
She looks great and right at home Anne!
I love your cow and your kitchen. It feels very inviting! Happy canning!
Beautiful room with lovely touches.
I too have white cabinets and white slipcovers. I have decided that it isn’t that the white gets dirtier. It is that the dirt shows which means I clean my cupboards more frequently. And, I wash my slipcovers more frequently. It makes me think that my floral slipcovers must have been really dirty most of the time, but they had a beige background so the dirt didn’t show.
I love your cow head and it does add the French feel. I think it is a great addition. Love all your details in your kitchen. Your dish collection is so lovely.
Looks great Anne…love the chalkboard wall too!
Oh Anne,
Your kitchen is tres magnifique!
Beautiful. Love the brown cow and the mat. All of your dishes are wonderful.
Everything is so pretty. Love that vintage tablecloth. It is fun how Miss Mustard Seed has made cows so popular, as if they needed any help:) Cindy is painting her a new cow painting–can’t wait to see that! enjoyed your post 🙂
LOVE your adorable Frenchy cow, it’s perfect in your beautiful kitchen!!
Love your charming kitchen Anne and the cow in the frame. I have found several old pieces of wood that I thought would look wonderful with cows painted on them. They are waiting for my husband’s magic as he is the real artist in this house. Happy Labor Day xo