Wow I am deeply touched by all of your responses from my last post.
Thank you all so much for all of your sweet comments,I wish I could hug each and everyone of you!
Today was a beautiful spring day,you would think I would be out enjoying but instead I decided to start my next project I have been wanting to do for awhile.
Yes more changes in my kitchen,what a surprise!
I don’t want to reveal it yet because there is much to do,you can see I am adding beadboard wallpaper to my kitchen island.
Here is a sneak peek.
My kitchen island has been changed several times in the past couple of years.
This is an easy and cheap way to change a room or cabinets.
It was 12.95 for a roll,and I think I may only need one roll.
Yes you can see the top of the beadboard is not perfect but that’s okay I will be adding a trim and this will be painted too.
What color…..well you will have to stay tuned to find out.
Secretly I am not sure what color yet either.
I am also adding this beadboard wall paper to the ends of my cabinets.
And I have plans on adding a little more bling in here.
Hoping to finish the beadboard wallpaper tomorrow.
I just added a few new items to the shop today including this sweet vintage wood tote.
These are getting harder and harder for me to find.
I have a few surprises coming soon too!
Looks exciting Anne. I think you had me at the bling. Those are gorgeous. I cannot wait to see what you do in the kitchen. That has always been my fav room of yours. You go girl.
Thank you Kris!
Oh I just love the lights you are considering! I have beadboard around the base of my cabinets. My husband did it., but it’s not wallpaper. We love it! It will look great in your kitchen too.
Thanks Kelly!Lets see how many times have I changed my kitchen LOL!
Beadboard wallpaper is one of my favorite things! Your kitchen is going to look great with it! We used it on our cupboards and it’s held up wonderfully so far.
Thank you Cynthia! I am loving this so far!
I love that wallpaper and love whoever invented it.
Me too Kim!
Very exciting Anne…that’s going to look so pretty!!
Thank you Martina!
I still have a roll of it, I paid 20.00 for it at Lowe’s. I bought it for the bathroom because my hubs used wooden beadboard on the cabinets!
Oh cool Rondell!
I know it’s going to be beautiful, Anne.
Thank you Rosemary!
I luved using the headboard wall paper in our last home. I am planning to use it in this one as well. Not sure how as yet… just that it’s going to be soon. Awaiting the reveal of the island and the new bling in the kitchen Anne.
Thank you Gee!
I can’t wait to see. I just did the old kid’s bath with it. It was a breeze to work with and looks so stinking cute.
Sorry you got discouraged this week. That happens to me sometimes. Keep sharing your lovely finds with us. I love checking in to see what you have found while out treasure hunting.
Thanks Katie <3
Looking forward to hearing how the wallpaper wears and your experiences putting it up. I have been wanting some of this wallpaper someplace in my house 🙂
Hi Anne, I can’t wait to see your kitchen changes. The lights you are considering are beautiful!
I’m wondering if you know anything about how easy it would be to remove the beadboard wallpaper from the island cabinets? We are renting our home, and I would LOVE to do this on my island, but I’m wondering if it would come down easily if we ever moved. (don’t think the property owner would want it to stay)
Maybe you addressed this, and I missed it, but would you mind telling me where you purchased yours? I’m not sure if all brands are ‘created equal’ and would love a specific recommendation.
Thanks so much!
Thank you Jeanette,not sure how easy it is really.But the brand I bought said it was easy to take off.Something I have heard about any wallpaper is that if you add wallpaper to a wall that is painted with a glossy paint it comes off much easier. I have not tried this myself but it is something checking into.
I have used the beadboard paneling on the dining room and bedroom walls and “loved” it. That is until the cats found it and used it as a scratching wall. Really, of all the places! It only took a couple times and it was ruined. For Jeanette, it comes off pretty easily but leaves the paper backing in places which, when wiped with a wet cloth, comes right off. I used real beadboard to reface my kitchen cupboards and this would work really well there too.
Oh no Debra! I have a cat too but when we adopted her the previous owner declawed her front paws so no worries.Good to know that!
I think you could make those totes!
Hmmmm wish I could Kathryn just need the right tools like an electric saw.