The last two days I have been working in my kitchen on a project, and I cannot wait to share!
But today I wanted to get a little personal, and talk about what it was like growing up in the 1970’s verses today.
A commercial that someone shared on Facebook struck a nerve, and really put things in prospective.
Let me share a little about me and my childhood.
I was born in 1966, so I grew up in the 1970’s.
(yes this is me crafting away 😉 )
Down the street from our house lived a sweet lady.
My friends and I would walk on down to Mrs. Little’s house and ask if we could pick cherries off of her tree.
Sometimes she said yes, and other times she told us they weren’t ready for picking.
Either way, Mrs. Little was always kind when we asked.
I am sure we pestered her quite a bit.
When we weren’t bothering Mrs. Little, my friends and I would ride our bikes, or do cart wheels in our yards, listen to the radio, and just play!
We played outside for hours, and I never wanted to come in the house!
I remember catching firefly’s, that was fun!
We would play on our swing set, or make up games.
As I grew older, I still had plenty to do.
Like going roller skating at our local rink, while we skated to our favorite songs.
Hanging out and shopping with my friends, talking about boys.
And I wonder what memories most kids will have now.
Will they remember riding their bikes and catching firefly’s or will they remember taking selfies, and texting each other?
This commercial I saw today touched base on this.
They asked people of my generation and older what do you remember when you grew up.
They shared stories similar to mine, memories of hanging out with friends and being a kid.
And then they asked children in this generation growing up today.
It was sad to hear that some of there favorite things to do was to watch non stop episodes of a show.
And one said she would die if she couldn’t text.
I believe she is seven years old.
Isn’t that sad?
So you are probably wondering if I have made a difference in my own child’s life.
I have a fifteen year old, she will be turning sixteen in November.
And I have to tell you when she was small, we did lots of fun things together.
Like tea parties, going to the library, reading books together for hours.
Playing dress-up, taking pretend vacations.
Yeah, we had lots of great times together.
She had fun playing with her friends, dressing up, or playing with her favorite toy at the time, Littlest Pet Shops.
And her dolls….
Oh yes, one of her favorite hobbies, is collecting dolls.
My daughter has a large American Girl collection.
She received her first one when she turned one!
It’s a pretty expensive toy, but it’s kept her a little girl, a little longer.
Yes, she has a phone, and yes she does spend time on it.
But she doesn’t spend every last hour on her phone.
This was the summer I thought she would be off hanging with her friends.
But this year instead of hanging with her friends (they have all been on vacations), she has been spending time being a little girl.
She loves dressing her dolls up and photographing them.
And I have to say she is really good at it too!
Those photos were taken by my daughter.
Sometimes she will write stories and other times she will take photos and add them to her blog.
She started her blog several years ago, as a way to share her dolls and write stories.
I am so thankful and blessed for all of the time we have shared together, and the memories we have shared.
I am thankful for all the friendships my daughter has made, and all the fun she has had being a kid, and living life.
Getting involved at school and after school activities.
Those are the memories I want her to remember, not texting a friend, or passing the time on her phone.
So what was your childhood like?
What was your favorite memory or favorite thing to do?
Please share I would love to hear.
You can visit my daughter’s blog Loraine’s Adventures HERE.
Hi Anne,
Things are so different than when we grew up. I guess that is to be expected with each generation.
My 5 year old granddaughter is so technology savvy and I had to explain to her what a house phone was. I had a vintage princess phone and she found it one day and said what is this? Had no idea what a rotary phone was. I went to your daughters blog it is very cute. Following in her mom’s footsteps. She has an eye for the camera. I grew up in the 60’s and can remember a time when there were no cell phones and each house only had one phone usually in the kitchen on the wall. Times have really changed. Have a great week.
Yeah we tried to see how far we could walk, and how long the phone cord could stretch from our kitchen.Thanks Kris you too 🙂
you have a decorating blog and your daughter has a fashion blog..perfect
LOL yes Wendy 🙂
We rode our bikes all over our neighborhood. We loved catching fireflies too. We played hide and seek, freeze tag and red light – green light with the neighborhood kids. I played with Barbie dolls and baby dolls. We loved to play “house” – we would pretend to be mommies and our dolls were our babies. I think my childhood was better than those of present-day children.
Ha, yes Briana, I remember hide and seek too! That was always fun!
My granddaughter just turned 12 and she would rather be cooped up in the house on her I pod or I pad than outside swimming with friends, I just think it is wrong, she has never had what I would call a normal child hood, but that is the way she and her best friends spend their time.
When I was growing up in the late 50’s and 60’s if we had a chance to go to a pool my mom couldn’t hardly get me out, we rode our bikes we played games, we camped out in the back yard with our friends, we never got bored and we rarely watched TV, we went to bed early and got up early eager to start our day.
I understand that children cannot have the freedom of the neighborhoods that we had due to all the meanness and fear of kidnapping or worse but there are a lot of things parents can do to get these kids outside or into activities to get their minds off of texting and computers.
I am so grateful for my wonderful childhood, I wouldn’t want to grow up today and if I had young ones I would be labeled the meanest mom in the world. There is nothing wrong with keeping them children as long as you can.
I agree Patty. I am so blessed to have grown up when I did. We all used imagination and had fun talking and playing together.
Anne, your story of growing up in the 70’s made me smile. I have two children, a daughter born in l963 and a son born in l966. They tell the same kind of stories. They played outside with friends every day they could. Dinner time was the time to come in; dinner was a sit-down family home cooked meal – and I also had a job away from home then. Yes, things have really changed due to technology I think.
I look around when I go out to dinner; almost every table has at least one person on their i-phone…….junk foods for lunch – no exercise – obesity a result.
Sounds like you have a wonderful daughter. Thanks for letting me vent 🙂 Look forward to seeing your project!
Yeah those were the good old days Betty. I feel sad for the children growing up today. I know things change and we progress. But the interaction that once was is now gone.
I meant to tell you that you should be really proud of yourself and your daughter. She seems to have an eye for photography. Good for you and your husband.
Thank you Patty,we are very proud of her.
Hi Ann – I wanted to let you know that I really look forward to your emails. It is like you are one of my friends. They are always so interesting. I am a generation older than you and remember all the good times of growing up in the 50’s. In the summer we played all day outside. We rode our bikes, played dolls, went to “play school” where we did crafts and of course played with the hose outside. We also loved to pretend to cook and had alot of fun with the EZ bake oven where we cooked bacon. We also played with the girls from the Methodist Childrens Home which was on our street. As we got older we couldn’t wait for the County Fair to come in August where we all got jobs for the week usually waitressing in the restaurants. That was our money for new school clothes. Yes, it was a quieter and peaceful time. My grandchildren will never do these things due to the world and the way things have evolved. I have three little granddaughters and one grandson. I have bought the girls American Girl dolls because I think they are wonderful but the girls are not too excited. My grandson, however, does at least like Star Wars and books about it.
Sounds like you and hubby have done a wonderful job with your daughter. Cherish all the upcoming years as time goes by very fast! Terri
Hi Terri, I am so glad that left a comment. Yes didn’t we all have a great childhood! I have so many fond memories, and I tried to share those special moments with my daughter. Oh that’s too bad the girls are not into there dolls. My daughter will be sixteen and she still loves them.That’s wonderful that your grandson loves to read. Star Wars is a great series!
I grew up in the 60s. I was the only girl in my family so I spent a lot of time playing with my dolls. We knew how to play and entertain ourselves back then. There was freedom to run and play in the neighborhood. I too worry about how much time kid’s spend on their phone these days. Your daughter’s blog is adorable. My daughter had several American Girl Dolls.
I can’t wait to see what you have been working on. Great post.
I was the only girl in my family too Katie. Yes I agree, we really used our imagination back then. Thanks so much Katie.