I am so glad you are here.
Truly I am.
Feeling blessed that you love vintage style as much as I do.
If you didn’t you probably wouldn’t be here.
Now, I know that vintage style isn’t for everyone.
It’s hard to imagine why someone wouldn’t love chippy patina!
Or shades of shabby pink and green.
I have always, always, gravitated towards imperfect pieces.
At one time my style slightly changed because someone mentioned that my style was too feminine.
And no, it wasn’t my husband.
So, my style went in a different direction.
And it wasn’t me.
But rather was what someone else said my style should be.
But, it wasn’t me.
I see many design trends, and I cringe.
Really I do.
I think if I had to live in a house like that, I would be so unhappy.
And I would HATE it!
Because, its not me.
And it’s not a reflection of my style.
Does that mean that those trends are not beautiful, just because I don’t like them.
Of course not!
And why am I talking about this?
Well, I stumbled onto another blog, and I saw a “designer” blog rant about what she considers beautiful and tasteless.
And that’s pretty much what I thought about her after I left her site.
Not because of her style, but the opinions she had about other designers that she thought were tacky.
This article really told me a lot about that person.
Listen, there are many things that I like and don’t like.
I share what I like, but I am not going to share photos of other designers and point out what I don’t like.
Exactly, why should I put down another persons taste in decor, just because I don’t like it?
I don’t care if you have been designing for years.
That does NOT make you an expert.
And I really don’t care that you went to design school.
It does NOT make you an expert.
Design is all about personal taste…..period!
Yes, they teach rules of design.
But, I believe that you need to style and decorate your home the way YOU want it.
Even when you work with a designer, or decorator you need to have a say so in your design.
When I work with my clients, I share ideas that will work in their home.
But, I communicate with my clients on what will work for them, and I listen to what they want.
What colors, or styles, or accessories will make them happy.
I specialize in vintage decor.
Because that’s what I love, and am passionate about.
But, again that doesn’t mean that any other style is wrong, or tasteless.
It’s just not me.
Thanks for listening, I really needed to get that off my chest ๐
I wanted to mention something about comments ๐
I LOVE comments.
And so…..a month ago, I added a plugin on my site, so when you leave a comment, I could answer that comment right from my blog.
And like magic, you would receive a reply back in your email box.
I thought this was a win-win.
But someone mentioned that it felt impersonal.
And I don’t want you to think that I don’t care about comments, or what you have to say.
Because I truly do care about you, and what you have to say.
I get a little excited when I see a comment left.
So, I am now replying to each comment to you personally ๐
It may look as though I don’t read my comments, because I am not leaving a comment on the blog.
But I am, you just won’t see my comment show up, unless it’s something that I think would benefit anyone else reading it.
Like a question about something.
Let me know what you think ๐
I do appreciate each of your visits, and comments.
As you enjoy reading, I get really excited when I see a comment left for me ๐
Sometimes I feel like…where’s everyone at?
Does anyone read my blog.
So leaving a comment really means so much to me, and I truly do appreciate it and look forward to leaving you a comment back as well.
It’s like talking to a friend ๐
We are still in fall so make sure you visit the Fall For Home Tour HERE.
Along with hoping to each of the other beautiful blogs, make sure you follow and sign up for Hometalk.
You can visit Hometalk HERE.
Are you looking for a little help decorating a room?
Not sure about a paint color or furniture layout.
Let’s chat!
Hi Anne There were some beautiful pieces of furniture on this post. Especially love the pink. I am new to reading blogs & never used to leave a comment. Then I read I think it was on your site that you were sad when no one commented on your posts. So I have made a point of responding. Love it when I get a reply!
I absolutely love your style of decorating and agree wholeheartedly about not insulting someone else’s style just because it isn’t to your liking. I have family and friends who always question my decorating choices, especially my love for chippy, vintage pieces, and I find myself constantly trying to justify and defend my taste in decor. Example – I placed old softballs under a cloche and was ridiculed for it! I don’t let others opinions change me because I know what I like and what makes me happy. To each his own!!!
It would be a truly boring world if we all had the same tastes. I find it very obnoxious, ridiculous, and stupid, that someone thinks their opinion is the definitive voice on what is in good taste or bad taste in decorating. I have a mix of antique, vintage, new, and industrial. I have recently started seeing a lot of mid century modern and am falling in love with it. I like a mix and would not like a house in all of one style, but that’s me and I know some people would find my tastes chaotic and they find all the same style soothing…nothing wrong with that! I see lots of different style that are beautiful, but not my taste and I see gaudy and tacky that I would never, ever, have in my house, but understand someone else sees that as beautiful….the old saying “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” is very apt. I would not presume to think someone else is decorating “wrong” just because I don’t like it and it doesn’t fit the “rules” of decorating. As a side note, if I ask someone a question, I would love to have it answered. But, we all have busy lives and I would never expect someone to answer every comment I make!
Anne, I agree completely. Everyone should decorate their home with what they love. Not whatever the latest trend is. I am not a big fan of vintage decor for my own home, but I do love your site and your beautiful photos!
I couldn’t agree more with you! Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, likes and tastes and how rude to be critical of others if they differ. I’m new to your site and am enjoying the simplicity of it. I’ve lived my whole life on the water but just recently became a mountain girl so the vintage, rustic and “old” looks are new to me. I’m developing a taste for the distressed look……at 60, this isn’t happening overnight, but I’m looking forward to the journey.
Hi Anne, it is sad there will always be haters and those who belittle others to make themselves feel superior. It’s a life lesson to learn to just walk away from those people, one that took me a long time to learn. I have made many (in my opinion) decorating mistakes over the years, with some being quite costly, because I didn’t listen to myself and listened to others when they told me what I should or shouldn’t do. Now I thank people for their thoughts and then do what my heart tells me. That’s why I love your blog, you are true to yourself yet empathetic to the differences in others. Happily it make my heart sing to walk through my front door and see my yummy, chippy pink and aqua goodness. I know it’s not for everyone, and that’s just fine with me ๐ Thank you for your delightful posts, they always inspire me!
I totally agree with your thoughts! I dress my home with things I love, things that serve a purpose. To each his own castle I say. I would not criticise anyone else’s choices if they didn’t compare to mine. We all have different tastes and styles that are pleasing to us.
Hi! I am so glad you posted this. So many of us have electic tastes. For example, I adore Victorian and English / French country style BUT Iove bold colors. My favorites are red, black, teal and white which don’t go at all with all the shabby chic and farmhouse style blogs I follow. But I absorb a little bit of everything I see and get inspiration from everywhere! I love a chippy style hutch but also adore bold and colorful patterns. Sometimes I do trendy stuff (really into quatrefoil prints right now) but sometimes I go with something classic. You are so right that there is no ONE “right” way to do anything, and nobody is an expert and an absolutely authority no matter where they went to school and how many blog followers they have. I am about boosting people up and not cutting anyone down. If I see something I don’t like, I just move along to something else. Props to you for this post.
Girlie, your blog is so much fun. Some of your stuff is a little too fluffy for me, and some of your stuff I swoon over. You keep doing what your doing ’cause you do it well!!! I try to stay away from negativity in my own life… and in my humble opinion, we all need to encourage rather than discourage!
Well said! … and is the pink on the hutch actually as perfect as it looks in the picture!? It literally looks like the perfect pink!
I love your style i may not always agree with the color but,that has nothing to do with the way it is created. Ann i don’t expect you to answer me every time i leave a comment,sometimes your busy,i know you still care because that is just the person you are,so just be “you ” just the way i like you and have a wonderful day.
Dearest Anne,
I want you to take a deep breathe. Now let it out slowly. OK. Do you feel any better? I simply L O V E your taste in decorating. Pay no attention to anyone else and keep doing just as you are doing now. I really enjoy your web site. I think my home would show it.
Just reflect on this as a learning experience. I think YOU are the expert.
You are so right. It’s all in the eye of the beholder! Thanks for pointing that out for all of us.
Hi Anne,
I am thrilled that in your design business you listen to your client and work with them to achieve their best vision of their preferred decor. So often warmth and personality is missing because the designer removed all personality from the room/home.
I adore everything you do. It’s so PRETTY. Soft and calming and sooooo pretty.
Never change! xo, T.
I agree with you completely. Just because I can’t live with a certain type of decor doesn’t mean it’s not beautiful or relevant. For instance, I love purple but I just can’t live with it. Every time I tried to decorate with purple, I kept thinking “There’s not enough pink.” lol
I follow many bloggers who have all types of design preferences, I hate it if they put down other types of decor. And also, sometimes the house or apartment you live in will dictate what type of decor will look best. If you live in a Craftsman house, it would be very difficult to make it believably feminine in my opinion. If you live in a real Victorian, you’d probably need to tone down any modern elements to make it work. It all depends, and that’s what most of us love about decor in the first place. ๐
Hi Anne,I’ve heard your house is a reflection of oneself,I love anything imperfect,shabby vintage scratched I could go on.I love what catches my eye ,I know as soon as I see something if it’s for me or not,I have de cluttered a lot,and just kept things I really love,I love when I’ve been out for the day ,and walk in the door it captures my heart,there’s no place like home ?
Well said, Anne! I enjoy looking at blogs from one end of the decorating spectrum to the other, whether they’re my style or not. How boring it would be if all our homes looked alike! I’ve decorated with vintage pieces all my 36 years of married life and I can’t imagine our home without those treasures. I love your style and all your pink and flowery items even though I use very little pink in my own home!
You could add a message near where we leave comments telling your readers that you read each and every comment and that you also reply to all comments and questions through email. Just a thought. :o)
I am sure you are a wonderful designer and your clients are very happy with you because you listen to them and that is rare in any profession. They are the ones that have to live there after all and you get it, yes you do!
Bravo Anne ! I do agree with you, our home should reflect our own tastes, even if it’s not the latest trends.
You take time to answer to comments, it is really a pleasure and it is not so common.
I don’t let a comment every time, it’s not so easy for me to write in English ;-).
Have a nice day !