Shabby Style Can Add Charm
I’ve always been drawn to chippy pieces, with that perfectly shabby patina, I guess that’s why I fell in love with shabby style. It’s a very comfortable and laid back look that’s really easy to add to your home.
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I’m going to be honest, years ago I fell in love with shabby style even before it was called shabby , and I guess that really describes what I love.
Shabby = old, worn, with patina, still usable. And even though old, is fully of charm. So how did I pull my home together with this look?
Well recently I shared what my kitchen looked like, you can read that HERE. And my living room, you can read that HERE. But how did I start acquiring pieces, what was I looking for and how did I pull this look together in my home?
Let’s talk about my sofa’s furniture first. Sometimes you have to work with what you already have. We don’t all have money to run out and purchase new furnishings. I was lucky and found a few slip covers for my sofas that were very reasonable. They were both under $100.00 each.
Then as I started finding pillows that would work in my room. Pillows are great accent pieces that can be easily changed. And honestly I don’t spend much on those pieces.
I look for pieces that I can easily transform and use in another room. Pieces that are unique in color, shape and style.
Yeah, I do love my pink, but I also love looking for pieces with other colors as well. I try staying on the soft side of colors, but I do enjoy a pop of color as well if it will work in my home.
The table above was painted using one of my signature paint colors Posh Pink. I created this line with Shabby style in mind. My Vintage Green signature paint color is similar to this chippy piece below.
Windows and doors are fun pieces to use in my decor. But honestly, I long for an older home with those original doors in my home. And not just displayed in a corner, but real usable old doors….sigh…that’s a dream of mine. Not sure if that will ever happen.
This old farm table was actually sold as a work bench. It was painted a hideous grey, with splashes of red. I painted it White Lace , and was using this table as a craft table in my studio.
Then one day I had a light bulb moment, what if I use that table in my kitchen! I had been looking for a farm table for many years, and this one was super cheap, I think it was $45.00!
As you can see it’s now painted a soft turquoise green called Synergy, from Heirloom Traditions Paint.
Those mismatched chairs slowly made there way into my home. One thing they all have in common is that they are all the same shape. Although slightly different they all work.
That small door in the corner of my room adds a back drop for my chippy pink table and my French bottle rack. The chippy green ladder is a fun accent piece.
When you’re out treasure hunting look for pieces that will work with your home and rooms. In style, shape, and color if possible. But as I said, if it’s the wrong color it can always be painted. Although, I do prefer original paint if possible.
If a slip cover is out of your budget, add fabrics to layer a sofa or chair. I’m covering my red and gold jewel tone paisley sofa with that shower curtain and ruffled throw. I love chairs as much as I do those little tables. If I spot one like this, I always take it home with me.
These can be used as an accent piece to any room, or even outside on a porch. See how easy it is to add Shabby style to your home. Start with a few pieces and keep building until you get the look you want. And only purchase pieces you really love. It takes time to find just the right pieces, but I promise it will be worth the wait.
Here’s a list of my paints, click on the links to purchase.
Where is the best place to find slipcovers for a reasonable price? I want some for under $100, too! Thanks.
Hi Barbara, I found mine a few years ago from I don’t think they carry this brand any longer, but you can check it out and see 🙂
I also love shabby chic,love walking in the door and seeing old wares from markets,side of the road salvos.Sometimes sit and wonder what there story is,who they belonged to? Some things I bought for as little as $4 for a shelf or $10 for a chair you don’t need to spend a lot of money,it’s what catches your eye,and being excited as to what you can do with that piece,love
I totally agree Mary. Your home should be filled with pieces that make you happy. And it sounds like you found beautiful treasures! I love how thrifty you are!
Hello I’m wanting advice help to decorate my living room. I have to work with what I have right now.
Any suggestions on decorating with dark paneled walls. Thank you.