Hi my name is Anne and I’m addicted to sugar. That’s the reason of why I struggled with losing weight. When I turned 40 my metabolism started slowing down and as soon as I started going through menopause my metabolism felt like it totally shut down. I’m going to share how to lose weight during menopause. This is my success story and you can have one too. Just a quick note I am NOT a Dr. or a dietitian. I’m just sharing my personal success story on how I lost weight during menopause. Please see your Dr. BEFORE starting any new eating plans. I’m just hoping that my story will inspire you and give you hope if you’ve been struggling like I was.
I struggled with my addiction to sugar for years! This goes back to when I was a child and I would sneak candy any way I could to feed my addiction. I could not go a day without consuming it. As a teenager I never ate right. My lunch consisted of a Hostess cherry pie. I don’t think I ate breakfast and I’m not sure if I ate much at dinner either. I really don’t know how I functioned on so little food.
I was a yo-yo dieter for years. Trying different methods of losing weight. Then after I lost the weight I would reward myself with a sweet treat until I gained all the weight that I lost. Then I hit 40 and no matter what I did, how little I ate, what I gave up eating or how much I worked out I could not lose weight. So as the years went on so did my weight.
As I approached menopause my Dr. would tell me to work out more and eat less. I was working out as much as I could and if I ate any less I’d be dead! So why couldn’t I get the weight off during menopause? What was holding me back?
I heard about a program called Whole30. You basically eat protein and vegetables for a month. So that would mean giving up sugar for an ENTIRE MONTH! No way! There was no way I could do it. In the mean time my stomach would get so bloated from what I was eating I looked pregnant. I was stating to hobble as I walked because my legs were swollen and numb.
So I decided to go for it and start this journey. The first few weeks were horrible! But after that I didn’t crave the sugar any longer. It’s been 5 years since I’ve had Birthday cake, chocolate, ice cream or any dessert. I feel so much better and I’ve been able to keep the weight off.
If you want to hear more about my journey make sure you watch my VIDEO. I’ll be sharing a part 2 of this on my channel as well so make sure you subscribe.