Make Money Hosting Garage Sales Make money hosting a garage, yard or a pop up shop sale. So, what's the difference between these? Well, a garage sale is held in your garage, a yard sale is in your yard, and a pop up shop is basically a shop that you open up in your garage or home. I've never felt comfortable with strangers in my home, but I'm totally fine with hosting a sale in my garage. Over the past three years I've hosted a pop up shop sale in my garage, it's been a great way to make money from home. You can see how I transformed my garage into a shop HERE. I wanted to share my success with my garage sales, what worked and what didn't work, and how you can hold your own sale and make money from home. Let me share a little about why I started hosting sales in my ... View Post
Garage Transformed Into A Pop Up Shop
Garage Transformed Into A Pop Up Shop Okay so the idea to hold a sale jumped into my head a few weeks ago,and I had an idea about the possibility to transfom my garage into a pop up shop. But how was I going to transform my garage when it looked like this. Last week my family and I took off for a week of adventure. And the that time I kept thinking about how I could pull this off. This is a three car garage with the third door separate. The ceiling is 9ft,actually I think it may be 10 ft tall. At first I thought about leaving the walls in my garage as is but they are not really pretty and would distract from the merchandise. Garage Transformation First thing that I did was paint my garage walls a creamy white color, I used paint I already had on hand. And to drape if off and ... View Post
Stencil Painted Deck Floor Cutting Edge Stencils
Stencil Painted Deck Floor Cutting Edge Stencils Stencil painted deck floor is a beautiful, and easy way to add style to an outdoor space. After looking at inspiration on Pinterest I decided to add a stencil to my wood deck floor in our screened in porch. Painting a deck and using Cutting Edge Stencils is a great way to customize your floor. (This is a sponsored post and contains affliate links, please read disclosure policy) Let's go back to a year a year ago, when I shared my screened in porch. When I revealed my room I also shared that I was unable to paint our deck floor, I was told the wood needed many months to dry out before painting them, and that turned into a year. If I didn't wait until the wood dried out, the paint wood have peeled off, so I waited and I waited. The ... View Post
Shabby Furniture Update Using Dark Wax
Shabby Furniture Update This shabby chic furniture update is going to blow your mind! Seriously, Rachel Ashwell would be tickled pink if she found this table. So, for the past few years my friend and I have gone, garbage picking. Every year in a town 2 hours from my home, they have a special curbside garbage drop off. It seems that this time of the year is when the really cool pieces get tossed out in the garbage. Like old doors with cool crystal knobs, or cool chippy pieces of furniture, yeah it's pretty amazing! The best part is that it's all free! This is the amazing table I found, although it doesn't look amazing now, but just wait. It's a mess, but the patina on this piece is truly amazing! (This post contains affiliate links, see disclosure policy) And I knew that ... View Post
Rustic Farm Table Using Faux Planks
Rustic Farm Table Using Faux Planks I have to say, this rustic farm table that I created is one of my favorite projects so far! When I spotted it at a thrift store I knew exactly what I wanted to do with it. Yeah, I spotted this table at a thrift store, can you believe it? Of course you can, that's where I purchase most of my cool treasures. Although, it wasn't really cool when I found it, but as I said, I had big plans for this table! Let's look at the ugly table one more time. (This post contains affiliate links, please see disclosure policy) You can't see it in the photos but, this table was blah and pretty beat up, but it's still very sturdy. I could've painted this table, and added dark wax giving it a little aged patina, but this table needed more than a coat of paint and ... View Post
Installing Cabinet Door Hardware
Installing Cabinet Door Hardware Don't be intimidated to install cabinet door hardware, I'm going to show you how easy it was to I install my cabinet door hardware. You won't believe how easy this is, you're going to want to hug me for sharing this information to you because it's super easy, really it is! (This post contains affiliate links, please read disclosure policy) When I decided to paint my kitchen cabinets (you can view that HERE) I knew I wanted to add cabinet door hardware. Can you believe we've been in our house for eight years, and we just added cabinet door hardware to my kitchen cabinets after I painted them, and finally our bathroom! Two reasons I waited so long, one the cost of cabinet door hardware, and two I was afraid to make holes in my cabinet door for fear of ... View Post
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