Today I'm getting off topic with a serious post. I'm talking about how to keep your teenager safe, and sharing my lessons learned. When my daughter was a toddler, I thought the scariest thing would be when she started to walk. But once she started walking, all was fine. Then she got her driver's permit, I thought that would have been the scariest moment. But, she's doing great driving, although she doesn't have her license yet, maybe over the summer. Both of those were scary for me as a parent. But nothing prepared me for what happened this weekend. It's probably every father's worst nightmare, about there daughter. I decided to share my experience hoping that it might help you or someone that you know with a child. Instead of writing the post, I decided to share my story on a ... View Post
Art In The Home And A Giveaway!
As you know I love expressing myself through art. It's mostly in the pieces of furniture that I paint, or redecorating a room. But to me, that's art. I don't have lots of art pieces hanging my walls. Instead most of my art is old salvage that to me is art. I no longer have those large wings, but I still have this old gate. I love the chippy patina and the style of this old gate, it's very unique. To me, this is art. I found this beautiful painting at a thrift store several years ago. I didn't care for the frame, so I painted it. I have this lovely piece hanging in my kitchen. This is one of my cherished pieces. My art in my home is an expression of who I am and what I love. Each piece is different and unique, and makes me smile. Do you enjoy art in your home? What ... View Post
Makeup Tutorial And Tips Over 40
Makeup Tutorial And Tips Over 40 One of the perks of being a hairstylist is that I can color my own hair using professional hair products. I've been a licensed Cosmetologist for over 27 years. I not only learned about hair but nails, skincare and makeup too. Recently I shared this photo below on my Instagram page and had lots of nice comments asking if I could share a makeup tutorial. It wasn't an easy decision to share a makeup tutorial. I knew that I would have to share my face without makeup. But I decided to go ahead and share my routine. This may give me the confidence I need to share more on my YouTube channel. The thing is I've always been more comfortable with makeup on. I don't know why, I guess I have insecurities like everyone else. I know that I'm not perfect, but makeup ... View Post
Paint A Wall Without Using Painters Tape
Paint A Wall Without Using Painters Tape Today I'm going to share a very simple trick on how to paint a wall without using painters tape. This tip will seriously save you so much money and time. So how did I discover this tip of painting a room without using painters tape? Years ago I was painting my family room. Before I started my project I used a few rolls of painters tape along the ceiling, the base boards and along the windows. I painted my walls and when I was finished it looked horrible because I had bleed through everywhere! I wasted time and money and in the end my painted room looked like an amateur painted it. ( This post contains affiliate links please see disclosure policy) How To Get A Professional Paint Application One of my biggest secrets of how to paint a wall ... View Post
The Day I Almost Lost My Husband Why Our Marriage Is Strong
On Sunday Valentine's day I shared on my blog and on my business Facebook page that I don't celebrate Valentine's day. I had someone on my Facebook page that was very upset about the fact that I said I don't celebrate Valentine's day. I think she saw it as a negative. I know that I don't need to explain myself, but I'm going to anyway. This is one of the hardest posts I have ever had to write. It brings back the memories of a day that changed our lives forever! My husband and I met many years ago. I was 16 going on 17, he was 18 going on 19. Yes, we were childhood sweethearts. We dated for four years when he finally proposed to me, and we were married two years later. In 1996 our lives changed forever. I remember that beautiful April day, it was sunny and just beautiful. I ... View Post
Updating A Teen Bedroom Stage One
Three years ago, wow that's hard to believe! Anyway, as I was saying, three years ago I updated my daughter's bedroom. I'd love to say that my daughter had some input in her bedroom, but she said do whatever you want. So I did! We painted her bedroom the same color as the rest of our house, added new furniture that I painted. Bought new to us bedding from the thrift store, made a lamp, and updated her makeup bench. It's pretty much stayed the same for three years. My daughter is 16 and will be 17 this year, so it was time for another update. We need to stick to a budget, so I am going to update her room using mostly what we already have. Her furniture is staying, but it will all get a fresh coat of paint. I'll be looking at thrift stores for curtains and bedding. I'll be ... View Post
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