DOES GOOD SKINCARE REALLY MAKE A DIFFERENCE? I'm 54 and I don't have botox or fillers. I've only used skincare. But does good skincare really make a difference? Let's discuss this. I recently shared a video on my thoughts on the new JLO skincare line. One of the things I discussed was the fact that she's claiming that she's never had any work done and the reason she looks the way she does is because of her skincare routine only. I don't agree with what she's saying and here's why. PICTURES DON'T LIE If you look at photos of JLO you'll see that she has had work done. And when I say work I mean plastic surgery, fillers and botox. I can't share any photos to prove this because don't own those photos. But you can google search it to see it. So one wonders does good skincare really make a ... View Post
WHAT DOES 50 LOOK LIKE WITHOUT PLASTIC SURGERY? So what does 50 look like without plastic surgery? Check out the photos below to see what I looked like several years ago and now. I have never had any procedures or surgery. I have nothing against either of those. But I don't think it's necessary to go down that road. And I personally feel like procedures can end up making someone look older than they are. Or look their age but you can see they've had stuff done. My skin is not perfect and no one has perfect skin. But I do feel that my skin has aged backwards with what I've been using. I don't feel like it's ever too late to start taking care of your skin.Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel. I share makeup and skincare tips for mature women. WHAT SKINCARE WORKS I remember ... View Post
WHY I STOPPED USING TROPHY SKIN MICRODERMABRASION Here's why I stopped using the Trophy Skin microdermabrasion. Several years ago I was gifted this machine from Trophy Skin. I tested it out and loved the results. I shared several videos on my YouTube channel on how I was using it. At the time I was using tretinoin a form of retin-a. While using that my skin was non-stop flaking. Occasionally I could control it with my skincare but most of the time it was out of control. I started using this machine and my flaking skin wasn't so bad. Then I changed up my skincare and no longer felt the need to use it because I was getting better results with what I was using. Here's where I started. Make sure to watch my video on this along with my recommendations. CHEMICAL EXFOLIATORS I started ... View Post
WINGED EYELINER FOR MATURE HOODED EYES Have you struggled with trying to create a winged eyeliner for mature hooded eyes? I understand your struggle. I love the look of a winged eyeliner. It magically lifts the eye and also makes upper lashes appear thicker. But doing one on mature sagging eyes isn't always easy especially if you have hooded eyes. Mine are slightly hooded from aging and normally when I've attempted to created a winged eyeliner instead of lifting my eyes they look more saggy and droopy. If you'd like to see me demo this close up make sure to watch this VIDEO. I'm sharing two ways to create this look. Make sure to check out my best makeup tips for mature skin. WINGED EYELINER FOR MATURE HOODED EYES This is really one of the best ways to create a winged eyeliner look on ... View Post
BEST MAKEUP TIPS FOR MATURE SKIN As we age our skin changes. Today I'm going to share the best makeup tips for mature skin. I know for myself I want to look polished and pulled together without looking overdone. I can't wear my makeup the way I did in my 20's or even in my 30's because my skin has changed which means my makeup application needs to change as well.Why I decided to share this post is because I keep seeing filters on Instagram and many YouTubers use them as well. You'll see a photo of me below with makeup on. Only I'm not wearing any makeup! It's just a filter that makes it look like I have flawless skin with makeup on. No one has flawless skin but if you take care of your skin it can look beautiful. If you'd like to see a tutorial on the tips I'm sharing make sure to watch ... View Post
HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE 2020 Today I'm sharing my holiday gift guide for 2020. This isn't extremely long just sharing some of my favorite things from this year along with ideas that I think will give ideas for gift giving this holiday season. I purchased all of these products this year and are honestly some of the best purchases ever! If you'd like to see more than a photo of these make sure to watch this VIDEO review of these. BEST COFFEE MAKER! This honestly is one of the best coffee makers I've ever owned. This one is from Braun and it's a multi-serve machine. You can make a full pot of coffee or single serve and no pods are needed! I personally don't like the pods. I find them wasteful plus I want to use any coffee I would like and this coffee maker lets you do that. It ... View Post
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